uPress Website Hosting Company in Israel


A few (translated) words from uPress themselves:

After many years of experience in the world of storage, we recognized the great trend of using WordPress websites, we decided to invest our best efforts and abilities in developing a unique product that would change the game – in regards to hosting WordPress websites.

We established a group of network administrators, software developers, cyber experts, communication experts, UX-UI designers, and WordPress experts to develop the storage solution we dreamed of having as users. 

So why should you select uPress website hosting company?

If you are in search of a high-performance WordPress hosting provider that can support your website or blog in Hebrew… look no further than uPress.

In addition to having great features, Upress also provides full support for the Hebrew language, making it an ideal option for those looking to create a website or blog in Hebrew (or in Israel in general). With their expertise in handling Hebrew fonts and seamless language-switching capabilities between Hebrew and English.

If that’s not enough, here a few more reasons (translated straight from their website) you should work with uPress website hosting company in Israel…

Security Breach Scans
Periodic scans that we conduct for our clients’ sites will help you protect your WordPress site.

WordPress User Management
Add/remove/edit WordPress users on your site directly from your site hosting admin panel. Through our management panel, you can manage all users registered and also perform operations with the click of a button.

Site Group Management
Managing a large number of websites can become a complex and challenging thing, with the help of our management panel everything is simpler, you can do it conveniently and efficiently. 

Resistance to Heavy Loads
We are experienced and practiced in managing and maintaining strong, fast and reliable servers that are at the forefront of technology, which allows the websites stored with us to withstand various loads. Our solutions will guarantee you peak performance so that the experience of using the WordPress site will be preserved.

Automatic Backups and Manual Backups
There is a huge importance in keeping backups of your information.
Anyone who assures you that he is immune from faults and incidents – don’t believe him. That’s why we provide, through the management interface, a backup history of the last 30 days.

Professional Support
We employ real WordPress experts, so if you need any help don’t hesitate to contact us!

About Best Business Tools Website


We are website focused helping you to make the BEST choices for your small, medium, or large business (for example – providing information about the best rated website hosting companies).

In addition, using the best business tools will also help your business make better decisions , which will lead to better outcomes. So our goal is simple: To help you optimize and maximize your business!

If you enjoyed reading the above article, we are sure you will enjoy these other articles (below) about Israeli website hosting companies…

3 Reasons Why You Should Host Your Website with an Israeli Website Hosting Company – http://bestbusinesstools.org/host-your-website-with-an-israeli-website-hosting-company/

The Top 3 Website Hosting Companies in Israel – http://bestbusinesstools.org/the-top-3-website-hosting-companies-in-israel/   

Most Popular Website Hosting Companies in Israel – http://bestbusinesstools.org/most-popular-website-hosting-companies-in-israel/  

The Largest 3 Israeli Website Hosting Companies – http://bestbusinesstools.org/the-largest-3-israeli-website-hosting-companies/   

The BEST Israeli Website Hosting Companies – http://bestbusinesstools.org/the-best-israeli-website-hosting-companies/